Optometry students have an active student life that complements the School’s commitment to academic and clinical excellence. Most of these activities are channeled through accredited student organizations such as:

  •  American Academy of Optometry (AAO) Student Chapter – All students are members of this organization through payment of their activities fees. Their main avent is te AAO Annual Meeting were students participare to become student fellows
  • Asociación de Servicios Voluntarios Optométricos (ASVO) / (VOSH) – A volunteer group of students, faculty members, and practitioners offering primary eye care services to the disenfranchised populations in Puerto Rico and Latin America. They receive donations of eyeglasses which they distribute to the patients they serve
  • Beta Sigma Kappa – The student Optometric Honor Society Members are selected based on their scholastic and clinical achievement. Members serve as counselors and tutors to other optometry students
  • CAO – Canadian Optometry Students chapter. Provides information related to practice, financing and support mainly to Canadian students
  • College of Vision Development Optometric Extension Program (COVD) – Is an organization and rehabilitation devoted to the enhancement, prevention and rehabilitation of vision development
  • Lions Club Student Chapter – A volunteer group of students, faculty members, and practitioners offering primary eye care services to the disenfranchised populations in Puerto Rico and Latin America.
  • National Optometric Students Association (NOSA) – The National Optometric Student Association (NOSA) is the student extensión of the National Optometric Association (NOA). Our multicultural service organization is dedicated to providing the delivery of effective and adequate eyecare to the underserved communities
  • Orientation Committee – A volunteer group of second and third year students working along with the Department of Students Services in helping new students with their transition and moving to the island. The group has a fan page in Facebook. Their main activity is the Orientation Week which is
    held the week before beginning of classes
  • Private Practice Club – Offers lectures and activities related to the private practice of Optometry Sponsored by VSP
  • Puerto Rico Optometric Student Association (PROSA) – Is also the local chapter of the American Optometric Student Association (AOSA). All students are members of both organizations through payment of their activity fees. PROSA sponsors lectures, ophthalmic shows, exam reviews, and social events during the academic year. Their main event is the annual optometry student meeting
  • Sport Vision – Offers lectures and activities about the role of optometry in sports
  • The Student Council – Officially represents the student body. The council sponsors many social, sports, cultural and religious events throughout the year. The annual student convention is the key activity of the year.
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